Where do Suggestions stand exactly and what differentiates them from reviews? We all know reviews are a crucial part of gaining consumer confidence – however these evaluations are obtained directly from consumers.
The main advantage is that suggestions can be obtained from outsiders who are not your direct typical consumer. It opens doors for a whole new market segment. Having active suggestions does not have the same impact of bad reviews, but potential for the “5-star review” upside. The best way to look at it is by including all potential candidates who have clear communication with you for what they believe is your ultimate benefit.
Business owners, companies and talented content creators are actively battling with creativity and aim higher upon every project release. The Suggestor helps reduce this constant struggle of facing blockades and facilitates obtaining the full image, simply leaving the execution. Amongst many other factors, having a suggestion box platform can ultimately only provide benefits.
To sum it all up, unlike reviews, most suggestions are not based on your conversion rates. The effect they have on your page is limitless in terms of upside potential, but very (almost zero to none) small downsides. Everything to gain, nothing to lose!
Amazing blog.